Circular BioEconomy Market Uptake and Policy Support in Central Europe

Program: InterReg CE

Project ID: CE0100254

Acronym: BIOECO-UP

Coordinator: Agrárminisztérium/ Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary

Programme priority: SO2.3: Taking circular economy forward in central Europe

Project duration: 04/2023 – 03/2026 

Project summary: Main challenges of circular bioeconomy in CE are poorly developed bio-based value chains, low level of consumer awareness and uneven policy progress along East-West divide. Project will take circular bioeconomy forward by designing bioeconomy value chains, changing consumers behaviour and supporting policy transformation. Significant policy impact is expected due to strategic partnership, actively involved in high-level interministerial BIOEAST Initiative composed of 11 East European Agriculture Ministries and supporting institutes. Besides policy and business sector, civil society will benefit from lower dependency on fossil-based products and improved use of bio-based products.

For further information about the project, please refer to the official website: here

Informační listy/Infosheets ZDE/here: 



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Tisková zpráva/The press release  ZDE/HERE